Sive Nkukwana, better known as The Black Rose, is the woman whose knack for a great television production has resulted in some of the best productions having aired on TV screens. This month, she highlights her passion for her talent, sheer love for the industry and gives sound advice to others in the game working hard to produce work which has impact as much as it has anything else.
Nkukwana also gives thebar magazine an exclusive into her next big career move, which is starting her own company called Black Rose Factory. This company will be a multi-platform creative content solutions boutique company that specialises in TV Production, Branded Content, Strategic Content Development and Content Curation. Catch more of her plans in the next part of this insightful & spirited conversation.
thebar. Magazine
thebar. is an online magazine, concerned (read: obsessed)
with the local and international film industries.
Our purpose is to elevate these industries and their leaders
by showcasing high quality, breakthrough content which
elicits a strong response from those working inside
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